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Livestream and/or Recorded Masses and other Liturgies...Please click on the Facebook symbol in the upper right of the page.  You then can select which video you want to watch.

The Roman Catholic Community in Portage

509 Caldwell Ave.
Portage, PA  15946
Phone: 814-736-4279
Fax:  814-736-4764

Office Hours: Mon-Fri- 8:30 AM- 3:00 PM


Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Family Parish Community is called to serve God and one another in love.  We are challenged to hear and live the Gospel message of Jesus Christ by involving our Christian community in worship, education and Christian service.  We invite and welcome all people to join us in this journey of faith as we strive to build up the Kingdom of God.



Liturgical Schedule

​Confessions: Saturday,

between 3:00 and 3:40 PM


Weekend Masses: Saturday at 4 PM

Sunday at 8 and 10:30 AM

Weekday Masses: Monday to Friday at 8 AM

Holy Hour each Friday, 8:30-9:30 AM


Mass Schedule

Breakfast with Santa

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Christmas Eve Presentation of the Nativity

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For their Service Project, some of our 8th Grade Religious formation students and their families held a Bake Sale.  The funds they raised went to the purchase of items for gift bags for residents of Lodge Run, in Portage.  These photos are from the Bake Sale, packing the Gift Bags and delivering them to Lodge Run.

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For her Service Project, Stephanie Lee organized the collection of items and cash donations for Veterans.  This was done in cooperation with the Veterans Home in Hollidaysburg.  The collected and purchased items were made available (free of charge) to Veterans receiving service through that location.  The project was extremely well received by parishioners and was very successful.  Stephanie thanks all those who helped her!

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For her Service Project, Annie Bracken sought donations of items and cash to buy needed items to assemble Birthday Kits.  Each of the 75 kits contained everything needed to bake a cake and celebrate with friends.  The photos in this section show the arrival of donated items, assembling them into kits and then delivering them to the Portage Food Pantry.  This is the 3rd amazing eighth grade project of 2024!

Our 9th Grade Religious Formation students, Johanna Noel, Mya Burda, Gianna Gentile and Avery Smith assisted with the Portage Area School District's Mustang Family Christmas Project.  Food, clothing and other items that promote family bonding were distributed in a fun event with games on December 15, 2024.

Seasonal Schedule


Holy Family Parish, once known as Saint Joseph Parish, is the current site of all the Roman Catholic Parishes that were originally in Portage.  Those parishes were, Sacred Heart, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint John the Baptist, and of course, Saint Joseph.  On September 9, 1999, Sacred Heart, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint John the Baptist Parishes merged to become Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.  In 2004, Saint John the Baptist was relegated to profane but not sordid use.  On August 17, 2015, Saint Joseph Parish and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart officially merged.  With the completion of renovations and remodeling, Saint Joseph Church was renamed Holy Family Church.  The Rededication of the Church and Consecration of the Altar was celebrated on June 19, 2016.

To view a chart of significant dates and events for all Portage Parishes, click the button below.ToTo view

About Us
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Fr. Tom Stabile, T.O.R., was born in Fort Monmouth, NJ, the youngest of 6 children.  He joined the Franciscans Third Order Regular in Loretto, PA immediately after high school.  He graduated from St. Francis University with a BA in Psychology and minors in Philosophy and Religious Studies in 1982.  He was ordained to the priesthood in 1987, having completed his seminary studies in Toronto, Canada from the University of St. Michael's College, Toronto School of Theology and the University of Toronto.  He has mostly been in parish ministry in Texas and Florida.  He was assigned as Pastor to Holy Family Parish as of February 14, 2018.



Julie Gressick - Office Manager

Pamela Ellis - Assistant Office Manager

     and Director of Cemeteries

Sr. Vivian Ndum Nchuaji, SSA - Director of           Religious Formation + Children & Youth

     Protection Coordinator

Missy Lee - Certified Trainer for Mandatory

     Reporter & VIRTUS Training

Mark Stefanko - Plant Manager

Sara Aungst - Music Director & Parish


Mary Louise Elchin - Housekeeper

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  • Parish Finance Council

  • Parish Pastoral Council

  • People Helping People (outreach to parishioners and others in need)

  • Prayer Chain Ministry (contact Elaine Schaffranek @ 736-9375)

  • Hospitality Committee (Receptions for Funerals)

  • Youth Ministry (organize seasonal children's activities)

  • Portage Area Knights of Columbus

  • Sacred Heart Ushers Club


Parish Finances...

To provide information about the Parishes' Finances, be transparent and encourage Stewardship, this page has been added to the website.  Previously, you could access the Annual Parish Report and a monthly statement of finances with buttons at the top of the webpage.  Click on any button below and it will take you to that particular report.  If you ever have any questions, please call the office. 

Parish Finances

Parish and Cemetery Financial Reports

Faith Formaton


Committed to People Growing in their Faith

Sr. Vivian Ndum Nchuaji, SSA:

Directs all Faith Formation for children, including Sacramental Preparation.

     *Religious Education classes are held Sunday mornings 9:00-10:30 in the school

from September- April.*


Gerri Ciesielka:

Coordinator for all Adult Faith Formation, including RCIA and Confirmation.


George Chirdon:

At Home with the Word, Adult Scripture Study


Liturgy and Music


  • Liturgy Committee

  • Extraordinary Ministers of Communion

  • Lectors

  • Altar Servers

  • Children and Adult Choirs

  • Ministers of Hospitality (aka Ushers)

Sara Aungst: Music Director/Parish Musician

©2018 by Holy Family Church. Proudly created with

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